Table of contents

  • 0 - Install packages + global parameters
  • 1 - Regression example
  • 2 - Classification example

0 - Install packages + global parameters

Let’s start by installing the main package, crossvalidation (version 0.5.0):

  • 1st method: from R-universe (where you can also package’s long-form descriptions a.k.a vignettes)

In R console:

options(repos = c(
    techtonique = '',
    CRAN = ''))
  • 2nd method: from Github

In R console:


When using this package, please note that I’m calling a “validation set”, what is usually called a “test set”. Because it makes more sense to me (even if I’m the only one in the world doing this).

Number of folds and repeats for the cross-validation procedure:

(n_folds <- 10)
(repeats <- 5)

Loading the other Statistical/Machine Learning packages needed for this post:


1 - Regression example

# dataset
 n <- 100 ; p <- 5
 X <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), n, p)
 y <- rnorm(n)

least squares

# linear model example
(cv_lm <- crossvalidation::crossval_ml(x = X, y = y, k = n_folds, 
                                       repeats = repeats,  show_progress = FALSE))


# glmnet example -----

# fit glmnet, with alpha = 1, lambda = 0.1
(cv_glmnet <- crossvalidation::crossval_ml(x = X, y = y, k = n_folds, 
                                           repeats = repeats, 
                                           show_progress = FALSE,
                                           fit_func = glmnet, predict_func = predict,
                                           packages = c("glmnet", "Matrix"), 
                                           fit_params = list(alpha = 0, lambda = 0.01)))

Random Forest

# randomForest example -----

# fit randomForest with mtry = 4
  cv_rf <- crossvalidation::crossval_ml(
    x = X,
    y = y,
    k = n_folds,
    repeats = repeats,
    show_progress = FALSE,
    fit_func = randomForest::randomForest,
    predict_func = predict,
    packages = "randomForest",
    fit_params = list(mtry = 4)


# xgboost example -----

# The response and covariates are named 'label' and 'data'
# So, we do this:

f_xgboost <- function(x, y, ...) xgboost::xgboost(data = x, label = y, ...)

# fit xgboost with nrounds = 10

  cv_xgboost <-
      x = X,
      y = y,
      k = n_folds,
      repeats = repeats,
      show_progress = FALSE,
      fit_func = f_xgboost,
      predict_func = predict,
      #packages = "xgboost",
      fit_params = list(nrounds = 10,
                        verbose = FALSE)


# glmnet example -----

# fit glmnet, with alpha = 0.5, lambda = 0.1
 cv_glmnet1 <- crossvalidation::crossval_ml(x = X, y = y, k = n_folds, 
                                            repeats = repeats,
                              show_progress = FALSE,
                              fit_func = glmnet, 
                              predict_func = predict.glmnet,
                              packages = c("glmnet", "Matrix"), 
                              fit_params = list(alpha = 0.5, 
                                                lambda = 0.1, 
                                                family = "gaussian"))

# fit glmnet, with alpha = 0, lambda = 0.01

 cv_glmnet2 <- crossvalidation::crossval_ml(x = X, y = y, k = n_folds, repeats = repeats, show_progress = FALSE,
 fit_func = glmnet::glmnet, predict_func = predict.glmnet,
 packages = c("glmnet", "Matrix"), fit_params = list(alpha = 0, lambda = 0.01, family = "gaussian"))

 # fit glmnet, with alpha = 0, lambda = 0.01

 cv_glmnet3 <- crossvalidation::crossval_ml(x = X, y = y, k = n_folds, repeats = repeats, show_progress = FALSE,
 fit_func = glmnet::glmnet, predict_func = predict.glmnet,
 packages = c("glmnet", "Matrix"), fit_params = list(alpha = 0, lambda = 0.01))

boxplots for regression

(samples <- crossvalidation::create_samples(cv_lm, cv_glmnet1,
                           cv_glmnet2, cv_glmnet3,
                           cv_rf, cv_xgboost,
                           model_names = c("lm", "glmnet1", "glmnet2", 
                                           "glmnet3", "rf", "xgb")))
boxplot(samples, main = "RMSE")

Boxplots for Regression models

2 - Classification example

X <- as.matrix(iris[, 1:4])
y <- factor(as.numeric(iris$Species))


# glmnet example -----

predict_glmnet <- function(object, newx) {
  as.numeric(predict(object = object, 
          newx = newx,
          type = "class"))

(cv_glmnet_1 <- crossvalidation::crossval_ml(x = X, 
                                             y = as.integer(iris$Species), 
                                             k = n_folds, repeats = repeats, show_progress = FALSE,
 fit_func = glmnet, predict_func = predict_glmnet,
 packages = c("glmnet", "Matrix"), fit_params = list(alpha = 0.5, lambda = 0.1, family = "multinomial"))) # better to use `nlambda`

(cv_glmnet_2 <- crossvalidation::crossval_ml(x = X, 
                                             y = as.integer(iris$Species), 
                                             k = n_folds, repeats = repeats, show_progress = FALSE,
 fit_func = glmnet::glmnet, predict_func = predict_glmnet,
 packages = c("glmnet", "Matrix"), fit_params = list(alpha = 0, lambda = 0.01, family = "multinomial")))

(cv_glmnet_3 <- crossvalidation::crossval_ml(x = X, y = as.integer(iris$Species) , k = n_folds, repeats = repeats, show_progress = FALSE, 
 fit_func = glmnet::glmnet, predict_func = predict_glmnet,
 packages = c("glmnet", "Matrix"), fit_params = list(alpha = 1, lambda = 0.01, family = "multinomial")))

Random Forest

# randomForest example -----

# fit randomForest with mtry = 4
  cv_rf <- crossvalidation::crossval_ml(
    x = X,
    y = y,
    k = n_folds,
    repeats = repeats,
    show_progress = FALSE,
    fit_func = randomForest::randomForest,
    predict_func = predict,
    #packages = "randomForest",
    fit_params = list(mtry = 2L)


y <- as.integer(iris$Species) - 1

# xgboost example -----

# fit xgboost with nrounds = 10

f_xgboost <- function(x, y, ...) {
  #xgb_train = xgb.DMatrix(data=x, label=y)
  xgboost::xgboost(data = x, label = y, ...)

(cv_xgboost <- crossvalidation::crossval_ml(x = X, y = y, k = n_folds, repeats = repeats,  fit_func = f_xgboost, predict_func = predict,
                             packages = "xgboost", 
                             show_progress = FALSE,
                             fit_params = list(nrounds = 50L,
                                               verbose = FALSE,
                                               params = list(max_depth = 3L,
                                               eta = 0.1,  
                                               subsample = 0.8,
                                               colsample_bytree = 0.8,
                                               objective = "multi:softmax", 
                                               num_class = 3L))))

boxplots for classification

(samples <- crossvalidation::create_samples(cv_rf, cv_glmnet_1,
                                            cv_glmnet_2, cv_glmnet_3, 
                                            model_names = c("rf", "glmnet1", "glmnet2", 
                                           "glmnet3", "xgb")))
boxplot(samples, main = "Accuracy")
abline(h = 1, col = "red", lty = 2, lwd = 2)

Boxplots for Classification models

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