A new Python version of ahead
, v0.9.0
is now available on GitHub and PyPI.
is a Python and R package for univariate and multivariate time series forecasting, with uncertainty
quantification (in particular, simulation-based uncertainty quantification).
Here are the new features in v0.9.0
progress bars for possibly long calculations: the bootstrap (independent, circular block, moving block)
plot for
(a work in progress, still needs to use series names, and display dates correctly, for all classes, not justRidge2Regressor
Since this implementation is based on the R version, it could take some time to import R packages when using Python’s ahead
for the first time. There’s something new regarding this situation (well… ha ha): R packages are now installed on the fly. Meaning: only when they’re required.
Example 1
Start by installing ahead
pip install ahead
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from time import time
from ahead import Ridge2Regressor # this is where the R packages are installed (if not available in the environment, and ONLY the 1st time)
url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thierrymoudiki/mts-data/master/heater-ice-cream/ice_cream_vs_heater.csv"
df = pd.read_csv(url)
df.set_index('Month', inplace=True) # only for ice_cream_vs_heater
df.index.rename('date') # only for ice_cream_vs_heater
df = df.pct_change().dropna()
regr1 = Ridge2Regressor(h = 10, date_formatting = "original",
B=50, seed=1)
regr1.forecast(df) # this is where the R packages are installed (if not available in the environment, and ONLY the 1st time)
regr1.plot(0) # dates are missing, + want to use series names
Example 2
regr2 = Ridge2Regressor(h = 10, date_formatting = "original",
B=50, seed=1)
regr2.forecast(df) # a progress bar is displayed
regr2.plot(0) # dates are missing, + want to use series names
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