Model calibration in the context of this post, is about finding optimal hyperparameters for Statistical/Machine learning (ML) models. Optimal in the sense that they minimize a given criterion such as model’s accuracy on unseen data, model’s precision, Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), etc. What are ML models’ hyperparameters? Let’s take the example of a linear model:
y = beta_0 + beta_1 x_1 + beta_2 x_2
Imagine that y
is a car’s fuel consumption in Miles/(US) gallon. x_1
is its horsepower, and x_2
its number of cylinders. Knowing the values of x_1
and x_2
, we would like to estimate the average value of y
for many different cars. beta_1
and beta_2
are unknown model parameters, typically estimated by minimizing the distance between the observed car’s consumption y
, and the model beta_0 + beta_1 x_1 + beta_2 x_2
. With such a model, we can obtain for example that:
estimated fuel cons. = 0.1 + 0.4 x horsepower + 0.7 x no. of cylinders
Sometimes, when designing our linear model, we will want the unknown coefficients beta_1
and beta_2
to be bounded (beta_1
and beta_2
could otherwise exhibit a high variance). Or, we could want to consider a different polynomial degree d
for x_1
or x_2
. Whereas beta_1
are beta_2
are model parameters, the polynomial degree d
on explanatory variables and the bound s
put on parameters beta_1
and beta_2
are model hyperparameters.
Hyperparameters are those parameters that you can tune, in order to increase/decrease the model’s performance. d
is a degree of freedom. It controls model’s flexibility. The higher d
, the more flexible our model - meaning than it could almost fit “anything”. s
is a regularization parameter that stabilizes model estimates. Increasing d
might lead to overfitting, and a lower d
, to underfitting. Overfitting or underfitting are about: too much flexibility or not enough. We’ll use the mtcars
dataset to illustrate these concepts. This dataset is available from R
console, as:
According to its description, mtcars
is extracted from 1974 Motor Trend US magazine, and comprises fuel consumption (in Miles/(US) gallon) and 10 aspects of automobile design and performance for 32 automobiles (1973–74 models). We’ll use 5 explanatory variables among 10 here.
mpg: Miles/(US) gallon # this is y
cyl: Number of cylinders # this is x_1
disp: Displacement ( # this is x_2
hp: Gross horsepower # this is x_3
wt: Weight (1000 lbs) # this is x_4
carb: Number of carburetors # this is x_5
Below, are the correlations between the target variable (to be explained), mpg
, and explanatory variables x_1
, …, x_5
. We use R package corrplot
to plot these correlations.
All the explanatory variables are negatively correlated to the fuel consumption (in Miles/(US) gallon). A marginal increase in any of them leads, on average, to a decrease in fuel consumption. Now, in order to illustrate the concepts of overfitting and underfitting, we fit a linear model and a smoothing spline to mpg
(consumption) and hp
On the left: model fitting on 23 cars, for a linear model and a spline. The linear model fits all the points parsimoniously, but the spline tries to memorize the patterns. On the right: errors obtained by each model on the 9 remaining cars, as a function of the spline’s degrees of freedom. That’s overfitting, illustrated. In other situations, a linear model can also fit (very) poorly, because it’s not flexible enough.
So, how do we find a good compromise between overfitting or underfitting? One way to achieve it is to use a hold-out sample, as we did on the previous example - with 23 cars out of 32 in the training procedure, and 9 for testing. Another way is to use cross-validation. The idea of cross-validation is to divide the whole dataset into k parts (usually called folds); each part being successively included into a training set or a testing set.
On this graph, we have k=5. crossval
is a - work in progress - R
package, for doing just that. WHY did I implement it? Because R
models are contributed by many different people. So, you’re not using a unified interface when training them. For example, in order to obtain predictions for 2 different models, you can have 2 different specifications of function predict
predict(fitting_obj_model1, newx)
predict(fitting_obj_model2, newdata)
are the trained models 1
and 2
. newx
and newdata
are the unseen data on which we would like to test the trained model. The position of arguments in function calls do also matter a lot. Idea: use a common cross-validation interface for many different models. Hence, crossval
. There is still room for improvement. If you find cases that are not covered by crossval
, you can contribute them here. Currently, the package can be installed from Github as (in R console):
Here is an example of use of crossval
applied to glmnet (with my old school R
syntax yeah, I like it!):
# load the dataset
df <- mtcars[, c(1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 11)]
# create response and explanatory variables
X <- as.matrix(df[, -1])
y <- df$mpg
# grid of model hyperparameters
tuning_grid <- expand.grid(alpha = c(0, 0.5, 1),
lambda = c(0.01, 0.1, 1))
n_params <- nrow(tuning_grid)
# list of cross-validation results
# - 5-fold cross-validation (`k`)
# - repeated 3 times (`repeats`)
# - cross-validation on 80% of the data (`p`)
# - validation on the remaining 20%
cv_results <- lapply(1:n_params,
x = X,
y = y,
k = 5,
repeats = 3,
p = 0.8,
fit_func = glmnet::glmnet,
predict_func = predict.glmnet,
packages = c("glmnet", "Matrix"),
fit_params = list(alpha = tuning_grid[i, "alpha"],
lambda = tuning_grid[i, "lambda"])
names(cv_results) <- paste0("params_set", 1:n_params)
Many other examples of use of the package can be found in the README.
Also, R
packages like caret
or mlr
do similar things, but with a different philosophy. You may want to try them out too.
Note: I am currently looking for a gig. You can hire me on Malt or send me an email: thierry dot moudiki at pm dot me. I can do descriptive statistics, data preparation, feature engineering, model calibration, training and validation, and model outputs’ interpretation. I am fluent in Python, R, SQL, Microsoft Excel, Visual Basic (among others) and French. My résumé? Here!
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