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Blogroll | Top

List of posts by date of publication | Top

  1. R version of survivalist: Probabilistic model-agnostic survival analysis using scikit-learn, xgboost, lightgbm (and conformal prediction)
  2. Model-agnostic global Survival Prediction of Patients with Myeloid Leukemia in QRT/Gustave Roussy Challenge (challengedata.ens.fr): Python's survivalist Quickstart
  3. A simple test of the martingale hypothesis in esgtoolkit
  4. Command Line Interface (CLI) for techtonique.net's API
  5. Gradient-Boosting and Boostrap aggregating anything (alert: high performance): Part5, easier install and Rust backend
  6. Just got a paper on conformal prediction REJECTED by International Journal of Forecasting despite evidence on 30,000 time series (and more). What's going on? Part2: 1311 time series from the Tourism competition
  7. Techtonique is out! (with a tutorial in various programming languages and formats)
  8. Univariate and Multivariate Probabilistic Forecasting with nnetsauce and TabPFN
  9. Just got a paper on conformal prediction REJECTED by International Journal of Forecasting despite evidence on 30,000 time series (and more). What's going on?
  10. Python and Interactive dashboard version of Stock price forecasting with Deep Learning: throwing power at the problem (and why it won't make you rich)
  11. Stock price forecasting with Deep Learning: throwing power at the problem (and why it won't make you rich)
  12. No-code Machine Learning Cross-validation and Interpretability in techtonique.net
  13. survivalist: Probabilistic model-agnostic survival analysis using scikit-learn, glmnet, xgboost, lightgbm, pytorch, keras, nnetsauce and mlsauce
  14. Model-agnostic 'Bayesian' optimization (for hyperparameter tuning) using conformalized surrogates in GPopt
  15. You can beat Forecasting LLMs (Large Language Models a.k.a foundation models) with nnetsauce.MTS Pt.2: Generic Gradient Boosting
  16. You can beat Forecasting LLMs (Large Language Models a.k.a foundation models) with nnetsauce.MTS
  17. Unified interface and conformal prediction (calibrated prediction intervals) for R package forecast (and 'affiliates')
  18. GLMNet in Python: Generalized Linear Models
  19. Gradient-Boosting anything (alert: high performance): Part4, Time series forecasting
  20. Predictive scenarios simulation in R, Python and Excel using Techtonique API
  21. Chat with your tabular data in www.techtonique.net
  22. Gradient-Boosting anything (alert: high performance): Part3, Histogram-based boosting
  23. R editor and SQL console (in addition to Python editors) in www.techtonique.net
  24. R and Python consoles + JupyterLite in www.techtonique.net
  25. Gradient-Boosting anything (alert: high performance): Part2, R version
  26. Gradient-Boosting anything (alert: high performance)
  27. Benchmarking 30 statistical/Machine Learning models on the VN1 Forecasting -- Accuracy challenge
  28. Automated random variable distribution inference using Kullback-Leibler divergence and simulating best-fitting distribution
  29. Forecasting in Excel using Techtonique's Machine Learning APIs under the hood
  30. Techtonique web app for data-driven decisions using Mathematics, Statistics, Machine Learning, and Data Visualization
  31. Parallel for loops (Map or Reduce) + New versions of nnetsauce and ahead
  32. Adaptive (online/streaming) learning with uncertainty quantification using Polyak averaging in learningmachine
  33. New versions of nnetsauce and ahead
  34. Prediction sets and prediction intervals for conformalized Auto XGBoost, Auto LightGBM, Auto CatBoost, Auto GradientBoosting
  35. Quick/automated R package development workflow (assuming you're using macOS or Linux) Part2
  36. R package development workflow (assuming you're using macOS or Linux)
  37. A new method for deriving a nonparametric confidence interval for the mean
  38. Conformalized adaptive (online/streaming) learning using learningmachine in Python and R
  39. Bayesian (nonlinear) adaptive learning
  40. Auto XGBoost, Auto LightGBM, Auto CatBoost, Auto GradientBoosting
  41. Copulas for uncertainty quantification in time series forecasting
  42. Forecasting uncertainty: sequential split conformal prediction + Block bootstrap (web app)
  43. learningmachine for Python (new version)
  44. learningmachine v2.0.0: Machine Learning with explanations and uncertainty quantification
  45. My presentation at ISF 2024 conference (slides with nnetsauce probabilistic forecasting news)
  46. 10 uncertainty quantification methods in nnetsauce forecasting
  47. Forecasting with XGBoost embedded in Quasi-Randomized Neural Networks
  48. Forecasting Monthly Airline Passenger Numbers with Quasi-Randomized Neural Networks
  49. Automated hyperparameter tuning using any conformalized surrogate
  50. Recognizing handwritten digits with Ridge2Classifier
  51. Forecasting the Economy
  52. A detailed introduction to Deep Quasi-Randomized 'neural' networks
  53. Probability of receiving a loan; using learningmachine
  54. mlsauce's `v0.18.2`: various examples and benchmarks with dimension reduction
  55. mlsauce's `v0.17.0`: boosting with Elastic Net, polynomials and heterogeneity in explanatory variables
  56. mlsauce's `v0.13.0`: taking into account inputs heterogeneity through clustering
  57. mlsauce's `v0.12.0`: prediction intervals for LSBoostRegressor
  58. Conformalized predictive simulations for univariate time series on more than 250 data sets
  59. learningmachine v1.1.2: for Python
  60. learningmachine v1.0.0: prediction intervals around the probability of the event 'a tumor being malignant'
  61. Bayesian inference and conformal prediction (prediction intervals) in nnetsauce v0.18.1
  62. Multiple examples of Machine Learning forecasting with ahead
  63. rtopy (v0.1.1): calling R functions in Python
  64. ahead forecasting (v0.10.0): fast time series model calibration and Python plots
  65. A plethora of datasets at your fingertips Part3: how many times do couples cheat on each other?
  66. nnetsauce's introduction as of 2024-02-11 (new version 0.17.0)
  67. Tuning Machine Learning models with GPopt's new version Part 2
  68. Tuning Machine Learning models with GPopt's new version
  69. Subsampling continuous and discrete response variables
  70. DeepMTS, a Deep Learning Model for Multivariate Time Series
  71. A classifier that's very accurate (and deep) Pt.2: there are > 90 classifiers in nnetsauce
  72. learningmachine: prediction intervals for conformalized Kernel ridge regression and Random Forest
  73. A plethora of datasets at your fingertips Part2: how many times do couples cheat on each other? Descriptive analytics, interpretability and prediction intervals using conformal prediction
  74. Diffusion models in Python with esgtoolkit (Part2)
  75. Diffusion models in Python with esgtoolkit
  76. Julia packaging at the command line
  77. Quasi-randomized nnetworks in Julia, Python and R
  78. A plethora of datasets at your fingertips
  79. A classifier that's very accurate (and deep)
  80. mlsauce version 0.8.10: Statistical/Machine Learning with Python and R
  81. AutoML in nnetsauce (randomized and quasi-randomized nnetworks) Pt.2: multivariate time series forecasting
  82. AutoML in nnetsauce (randomized and quasi-randomized nnetworks)
  83. Version v0.14.0 of nnetsauce for R and Python
  84. A diffusion model: G2++
  85. Diffusion models in ESGtoolkit + announcements
  86. An infinity of time series forecasting models in nnetsauce (Part 2 with uncertainty quantification)
  87. (News from) forecasting in Python with ahead (progress bars and plots)
  88. Forecasting in Python with ahead
  89. Risk-neutralize simulations
  90. Comparing cross-validation results using crossval_ml and boxplots
  91. Reminder
  92. Did you ask ChatGPT about who you are?
  93. A new version of nnetsauce (randomized and quasi-randomized 'neural' networks)
  94. Simple interfaces to the forecasting API
  95. A web application for forecasting in Python, R, Ruby, C#, JavaScript, PHP, Go, Rust, Java, MATLAB, etc.
  96. Prediction intervals (not only) for Boosted Configuration Networks in Python
  97. Boosted Configuration (neural) Networks Pt. 2
  98. Boosted Configuration (_neural_) Networks for classification
  99. A Machine Learning workflow using Techtonique
  100. Super Mario Bros © in the browser using PyScript
  101. News from ESGtoolkit, ycinterextra, and nnetsauce
  102. Explaining a Keras _neural_ network predictions with the-teller
  103. New version of nnetsauce -- various quasi-randomized networks
  104. A dashboard illustrating bivariate time series forecasting with `ahead`
  105. Hundreds of Statistical/Machine Learning models for univariate time series, using ahead, ranger, xgboost, and caret
  106. Forecasting with `ahead` (Python version)
  107. Tuning and interpreting LSBoost
  108. Time series cross-validation using `crossvalidation` (Part 2)
  109. Fast and scalable forecasting with ahead::ridge2f
  110. Automatic Forecasting with `ahead::dynrmf` and Ridge regression
  111. Forecasting with `ahead`
  112. Classification using linear regression
  113. `crossvalidation` and random search for calibrating support vector machines
  114. parallel grid search cross-validation using `crossvalidation`
  115. `crossvalidation` on R-universe, plus a classification example
  116. Documentation and source code for GPopt, a package for Bayesian optimization
  117. Hyperparameters tuning with GPopt
  118. A forecasting tool (API) with examples in curl, R, Python
  119. Bayesian Optimization with GPopt Part 2 (save and resume)
  120. Bayesian Optimization with GPopt
  121. Compatibility of nnetsauce and mlsauce with scikit-learn
  122. Explaining xgboost predictions with the teller
  123. An infinity of time series models in nnetsauce
  124. New activation functions in mlsauce's LSBoost
  125. 2020 recap, Gradient Boosting, Generalized Linear Models, AdaOpt with nnetsauce and mlsauce
  126. A deeper learning architecture in nnetsauce
  127. Classify penguins with nnetsauce's MultitaskClassifier
  128. Bayesian forecasting for uni/multivariate time series
  129. Generalized nonlinear models in nnetsauce
  130. Boosting nonlinear penalized least squares
  131. Statistical/Machine Learning explainability using Kernel Ridge Regression surrogates
  132. NEWS
  133. A glimpse into my PhD journey
  134. Submitting R package to CRAN
  135. Simulation of dependent variables in ESGtoolkit
  136. Forecasting lung disease progression
  137. New nnetsauce
  138. Technical documentation
  139. A new version of nnetsauce, and a new Techtonique website
  140. Back next week, and a few announcements
  141. Explainable 'AI' using Gradient Boosted randomized networks Pt2 (the Lasso)
  142. LSBoost: Explainable 'AI' using Gradient Boosted randomized networks (with examples in R and Python)
  143. nnetsauce version 0.5.0, randomized neural networks on GPU
  144. Maximizing your tip as a waiter (Part 2)
  145. New version of mlsauce, with Gradient Boosted randomized networks and stump decision trees
  146. Announcements
  147. Parallel AdaOpt classification
  148. Comments section and other news
  149. Maximizing your tip as a waiter
  150. AdaOpt classification on MNIST handwritten digits (without preprocessing)
  151. AdaOpt (a probabilistic classifier based on a mix of multivariable optimization and nearest neighbors) for R
  152. AdaOpt
  153. Custom errors for cross-validation using crossval::crossval_ml
  154. Documentation+Pypi for the `teller`, a model-agnostic tool for Machine Learning explainability
  155. Encoding your categorical variables based on the response variable and correlations
  156. Linear model, xgboost and randomForest cross-validation using crossval::crossval_ml
  157. Grid search cross-validation using crossval
  158. Documentation for the querier, a query language for Data Frames
  159. Time series cross-validation using crossval
  160. On model specification, identification, degrees of freedom and regularization
  161. Import data into the querier (now on Pypi), a query language for Data Frames
  162. R notebooks for nnetsauce
  163. Version 0.4.0 of nnetsauce, with fruits and breast cancer classification
  164. Create a specific feed in your Jekyll blog
  165. Git/Github for contributing to package development
  166. Feedback forms for contributing
  167. nnetsauce for R
  168. A new version of nnetsauce (v0.3.1)
  169. ESGtoolkit, a tool for Monte Carlo simulation (v0.2.0)
  170. Search bar, new year 2020
  171. 2019 Recap, the nnetsauce, the teller and the querier
  172. Understanding model interactions with the `teller`
  173. Using the `teller` on a classifier
  174. Benchmarking the querier's verbs
  175. Composing the querier's verbs for data wrangling
  176. Comparing and explaining model predictions with the teller
  177. Tests for the significance of marginal effects in the teller
  178. Introducing the teller
  179. Introducing the querier
  180. Prediction intervals for nnetsauce models
  181. Using R in Python for statistical learning/data science
  182. Model calibration with `crossval`
  183. Bagging in the nnetsauce
  184. Adaboost learning with nnetsauce
  185. Change in blog's presentation
  186. nnetsauce on Pypi
  187. More nnetsauce (examples of use)
  188. nnetsauce
  189. crossval
  190. test

Categories | Top


  1. Just got a paper on conformal prediction REJECTED by International Journal of Forecasting despite evidence on 30,000 time series (and more). What's going on? Part2: 1311 time series from the Tourism competition
  2. Techtonique is out! (with a tutorial in various programming languages and formats)
  3. Just got a paper on conformal prediction REJECTED by International Journal of Forecasting despite evidence on 30,000 time series (and more). What's going on?
  4. You can beat Forecasting LLMs (Large Language Models a.k.a foundation models) with nnetsauce.MTS
  5. My presentation at ISF 2024 conference (slides with nnetsauce probabilistic forecasting news)
  6. 10 uncertainty quantification methods in nnetsauce forecasting
  7. Forecasting with XGBoost embedded in Quasi-Randomized Neural Networks
  8. Forecasting Monthly Airline Passenger Numbers with Quasi-Randomized Neural Networks
  9. DeepMTS, a Deep Learning Model for Multivariate Time Series
  10. Version v0.14.0 of nnetsauce for R and Python
  11. An infinity of time series forecasting models in nnetsauce (Part 2 with uncertainty quantification)
  12. (News from) forecasting in Python with ahead (progress bars and plots)
  13. Forecasting in Python with ahead
  14. Simple interfaces to the forecasting API
  15. A web application for forecasting in Python, R, Ruby, C#, JavaScript, PHP, Go, Rust, Java, MATLAB, etc.
  16. A dashboard illustrating bivariate time series forecasting with `ahead`
  17. Hundreds of Statistical/Machine Learning models for univariate time series, using ahead, ranger, xgboost, and caret


  1. A plethora of datasets at your fingertips Part2: how many times do couples cheat on each other? Descriptive analytics, interpretability and prediction intervals using conformal prediction
  2. Julia packaging at the command line
  3. A plethora of datasets at your fingertips
  4. Risk-neutralize simulations
  5. Comparing cross-validation results using crossval_ml and boxplots
  6. Reminder
  7. Did you ask ChatGPT about who you are?
  8. A web application for forecasting in Python, R, Ruby, C#, JavaScript, PHP, Go, Rust, Java, MATLAB, etc.
  9. Boosted Configuration (_neural_) Networks for classification
  10. Super Mario Bros © in the browser using PyScript
  11. News from ESGtoolkit, ycinterextra, and nnetsauce
  12. Time series cross-validation using `crossvalidation` (Part 2)
  13. Fast and scalable forecasting with ahead::ridge2f
  14. Automatic Forecasting with `ahead::dynrmf` and Ridge regression
  15. Forecasting with `ahead`
  16. Documentation and source code for GPopt, a package for Bayesian optimization
  17. Hyperparameters tuning with GPopt
  18. A forecasting tool (API) with examples in curl, R, Python
  19. Bayesian Optimization with GPopt Part 2 (save and resume)
  20. Bayesian Optimization with GPopt
  21. 2020 recap, Gradient Boosting, Generalized Linear Models, AdaOpt with nnetsauce and mlsauce
  22. Statistical/Machine Learning explainability using Kernel Ridge Regression surrogates
  23. NEWS
  24. A glimpse into my PhD journey
  25. Forecasting lung disease progression
  26. New nnetsauce
  27. Technical documentation
  28. A new version of nnetsauce, and a new Techtonique website
  29. Back next week, and a few announcements
  30. Maximizing your tip as a waiter (Part 2)
  31. New version of mlsauce, with Gradient Boosted randomized networks and stump decision trees
  32. Announcements
  33. Comments section and other news
  34. Maximizing your tip as a waiter
  35. Custom errors for cross-validation using crossval::crossval_ml
  36. Encoding your categorical variables based on the response variable and correlations
  37. Linear model, xgboost and randomForest cross-validation using crossval::crossval_ml
  38. Grid search cross-validation using crossval
  39. Time series cross-validation using crossval
  40. On model specification, identification, degrees of freedom and regularization
  41. Create a specific feed in your Jekyll blog
  42. Git/Github for contributing to package development
  43. Feedback forms for contributing
  44. Change in blog's presentation
  45. test


  1. Model-agnostic global Survival Prediction of Patients with Myeloid Leukemia in QRT/Gustave Roussy Challenge (challengedata.ens.fr): Python's survivalist Quickstart
  2. Command Line Interface (CLI) for techtonique.net's API
  3. Gradient-Boosting and Boostrap aggregating anything (alert: high performance): Part5, easier install and Rust backend
  4. Just got a paper on conformal prediction REJECTED by International Journal of Forecasting despite evidence on 30,000 time series (and more). What's going on? Part2: 1311 time series from the Tourism competition
  5. Techtonique is out! (with a tutorial in various programming languages and formats)
  6. Univariate and Multivariate Probabilistic Forecasting with nnetsauce and TabPFN
  7. Just got a paper on conformal prediction REJECTED by International Journal of Forecasting despite evidence on 30,000 time series (and more). What's going on?
  8. Python and Interactive dashboard version of Stock price forecasting with Deep Learning: throwing power at the problem (and why it won't make you rich)
  9. No-code Machine Learning Cross-validation and Interpretability in techtonique.net
  10. survivalist: Probabilistic model-agnostic survival analysis using scikit-learn, glmnet, xgboost, lightgbm, pytorch, keras, nnetsauce and mlsauce
  11. Model-agnostic 'Bayesian' optimization (for hyperparameter tuning) using conformalized surrogates in GPopt
  12. You can beat Forecasting LLMs (Large Language Models a.k.a foundation models) with nnetsauce.MTS Pt.2: Generic Gradient Boosting
  13. You can beat Forecasting LLMs (Large Language Models a.k.a foundation models) with nnetsauce.MTS
  14. GLMNet in Python: Generalized Linear Models
  15. Gradient-Boosting anything (alert: high performance): Part4, Time series forecasting
  16. Predictive scenarios simulation in R, Python and Excel using Techtonique API
  17. Chat with your tabular data in www.techtonique.net
  18. Gradient-Boosting anything (alert: high performance): Part3, Histogram-based boosting
  19. R editor and SQL console (in addition to Python editors) in www.techtonique.net
  20. R and Python consoles + JupyterLite in www.techtonique.net
  21. Gradient-Boosting anything (alert: high performance)
  22. Benchmarking 30 statistical/Machine Learning models on the VN1 Forecasting -- Accuracy challenge
  23. Forecasting in Excel using Techtonique's Machine Learning APIs under the hood
  24. Techtonique web app for data-driven decisions using Mathematics, Statistics, Machine Learning, and Data Visualization
  25. Parallel for loops (Map or Reduce) + New versions of nnetsauce and ahead
  26. Adaptive (online/streaming) learning with uncertainty quantification using Polyak averaging in learningmachine
  27. New versions of nnetsauce and ahead
  28. Prediction sets and prediction intervals for conformalized Auto XGBoost, Auto LightGBM, Auto CatBoost, Auto GradientBoosting
  29. Conformalized adaptive (online/streaming) learning using learningmachine in Python and R
  30. Auto XGBoost, Auto LightGBM, Auto CatBoost, Auto GradientBoosting
  31. Copulas for uncertainty quantification in time series forecasting
  32. Forecasting uncertainty: sequential split conformal prediction + Block bootstrap (web app)
  33. learningmachine for Python (new version)
  34. My presentation at ISF 2024 conference (slides with nnetsauce probabilistic forecasting news)
  35. 10 uncertainty quantification methods in nnetsauce forecasting
  36. Forecasting with XGBoost embedded in Quasi-Randomized Neural Networks
  37. Forecasting Monthly Airline Passenger Numbers with Quasi-Randomized Neural Networks
  38. Automated hyperparameter tuning using any conformalized surrogate
  39. Recognizing handwritten digits with Ridge2Classifier
  40. A detailed introduction to Deep Quasi-Randomized 'neural' networks
  41. Probability of receiving a loan; using learningmachine
  42. mlsauce's `v0.18.2`: various examples and benchmarks with dimension reduction
  43. mlsauce's `v0.17.0`: boosting with Elastic Net, polynomials and heterogeneity in explanatory variables
  44. mlsauce's `v0.13.0`: taking into account inputs heterogeneity through clustering
  45. mlsauce's `v0.12.0`: prediction intervals for LSBoostRegressor
  46. learningmachine v1.1.2: for Python
  47. Bayesian inference and conformal prediction (prediction intervals) in nnetsauce v0.18.1
  48. rtopy (v0.1.1): calling R functions in Python
  49. ahead forecasting (v0.10.0): fast time series model calibration and Python plots
  50. A plethora of datasets at your fingertips Part3: how many times do couples cheat on each other?
  51. nnetsauce's introduction as of 2024-02-11 (new version 0.17.0)
  52. Tuning Machine Learning models with GPopt's new version Part 2
  53. Tuning Machine Learning models with GPopt's new version
  54. Subsampling continuous and discrete response variables
  55. DeepMTS, a Deep Learning Model for Multivariate Time Series
  56. A classifier that's very accurate (and deep) Pt.2: there are > 90 classifiers in nnetsauce
  57. A plethora of datasets at your fingertips Part2: how many times do couples cheat on each other? Descriptive analytics, interpretability and prediction intervals using conformal prediction
  58. Diffusion models in Python with esgtoolkit (Part2)
  59. Diffusion models in Python with esgtoolkit
  60. Quasi-randomized nnetworks in Julia, Python and R
  61. A plethora of datasets at your fingertips
  62. A classifier that's very accurate (and deep)
  63. mlsauce version 0.8.10: Statistical/Machine Learning with Python and R
  64. AutoML in nnetsauce (randomized and quasi-randomized nnetworks) Pt.2: multivariate time series forecasting
  65. AutoML in nnetsauce (randomized and quasi-randomized nnetworks)
  66. Version v0.14.0 of nnetsauce for R and Python
  67. An infinity of time series forecasting models in nnetsauce (Part 2 with uncertainty quantification)
  68. (News from) forecasting in Python with ahead (progress bars and plots)
  69. Forecasting in Python with ahead
  70. Did you ask ChatGPT about who you are?
  71. A new version of nnetsauce (randomized and quasi-randomized 'neural' networks)
  72. Simple interfaces to the forecasting API
  73. A web application for forecasting in Python, R, Ruby, C#, JavaScript, PHP, Go, Rust, Java, MATLAB, etc.
  74. Prediction intervals (not only) for Boosted Configuration Networks in Python
  75. A Machine Learning workflow using Techtonique
  76. Super Mario Bros © in the browser using PyScript
  77. News from ESGtoolkit, ycinterextra, and nnetsauce
  78. Explaining a Keras _neural_ network predictions with the-teller
  79. New version of nnetsauce -- various quasi-randomized networks
  80. A dashboard illustrating bivariate time series forecasting with `ahead`
  81. Forecasting with `ahead` (Python version)
  82. Tuning and interpreting LSBoost
  83. Classification using linear regression
  84. Documentation and source code for GPopt, a package for Bayesian optimization
  85. Hyperparameters tuning with GPopt
  86. A forecasting tool (API) with examples in curl, R, Python
  87. Bayesian Optimization with GPopt Part 2 (save and resume)
  88. Bayesian Optimization with GPopt
  89. Compatibility of nnetsauce and mlsauce with scikit-learn
  90. Explaining xgboost predictions with the teller
  91. An infinity of time series models in nnetsauce
  92. 2020 recap, Gradient Boosting, Generalized Linear Models, AdaOpt with nnetsauce and mlsauce
  93. A deeper learning architecture in nnetsauce
  94. Generalized nonlinear models in nnetsauce
  95. Boosting nonlinear penalized least squares
  96. Technical documentation
  97. A new version of nnetsauce, and a new Techtonique website
  98. Back next week, and a few announcements
  99. Explainable 'AI' using Gradient Boosted randomized networks Pt2 (the Lasso)
  100. LSBoost: Explainable 'AI' using Gradient Boosted randomized networks (with examples in R and Python)
  101. nnetsauce version 0.5.0, randomized neural networks on GPU
  102. Maximizing your tip as a waiter (Part 2)
  103. Parallel AdaOpt classification
  104. Maximizing your tip as a waiter
  105. AdaOpt classification on MNIST handwritten digits (without preprocessing)
  106. AdaOpt
  107. Documentation+Pypi for the `teller`, a model-agnostic tool for Machine Learning explainability
  108. Encoding your categorical variables based on the response variable and correlations
  109. Documentation for the querier, a query language for Data Frames
  110. Import data into the querier (now on Pypi), a query language for Data Frames
  111. Version 0.4.0 of nnetsauce, with fruits and breast cancer classification
  112. A new version of nnetsauce (v0.3.1)
  113. Using R in Python for statistical learning/data science
  114. nnetsauce on Pypi


  1. Gradient-Boosting anything (alert: high performance): Part4, Time series forecasting
  2. Gradient-Boosting anything (alert: high performance): Part3, Histogram-based boosting
  3. My presentation at ISF 2024 conference (slides with nnetsauce probabilistic forecasting news)
  4. 10 uncertainty quantification methods in nnetsauce forecasting
  5. Forecasting with XGBoost embedded in Quasi-Randomized Neural Networks
  6. Forecasting Monthly Airline Passenger Numbers with Quasi-Randomized Neural Networks
  7. Automated hyperparameter tuning using any conformalized surrogate
  8. Recognizing handwritten digits with Ridge2Classifier
  9. A plethora of datasets at your fingertips Part3: how many times do couples cheat on each other?
  10. nnetsauce's introduction as of 2024-02-11 (new version 0.17.0)
  11. DeepMTS, a Deep Learning Model for Multivariate Time Series
  12. A classifier that's very accurate (and deep) Pt.2: there are > 90 classifiers in nnetsauce
  13. Quasi-randomized nnetworks in Julia, Python and R
  14. A classifier that's very accurate (and deep)
  15. AutoML in nnetsauce (randomized and quasi-randomized nnetworks) Pt.2: multivariate time series forecasting
  16. AutoML in nnetsauce (randomized and quasi-randomized nnetworks)
  17. Version v0.14.0 of nnetsauce for R and Python
  18. An infinity of time series forecasting models in nnetsauce (Part 2 with uncertainty quantification)
  19. A new version of nnetsauce (randomized and quasi-randomized 'neural' networks)
  20. New version of nnetsauce -- various quasi-randomized networks
  21. Tuning and interpreting LSBoost
  22. Classification using linear regression
  23. An infinity of time series models in nnetsauce
  24. A deeper learning architecture in nnetsauce
  25. Classify penguins with nnetsauce's MultitaskClassifier
  26. Bayesian forecasting for uni/multivariate time series
  27. New nnetsauce
  28. Technical documentation
  29. A new version of nnetsauce, and a new Techtonique website
  30. Back next week, and a few announcements
  31. nnetsauce version 0.5.0, randomized neural networks on GPU
  32. R notebooks for nnetsauce
  33. Version 0.4.0 of nnetsauce, with fruits and breast cancer classification
  34. Feedback forms for contributing
  35. nnetsauce for R
  36. A new version of nnetsauce (v0.3.1)
  37. 2019 Recap, the nnetsauce, the teller and the querier
  38. Prediction intervals for nnetsauce models
  39. Bagging in the nnetsauce
  40. Adaboost learning with nnetsauce
  41. nnetsauce on Pypi
  42. More nnetsauce (examples of use)
  43. nnetsauce


  1. R version of survivalist: Probabilistic model-agnostic survival analysis using scikit-learn, xgboost, lightgbm (and conformal prediction)
  2. A simple test of the martingale hypothesis in esgtoolkit
  3. Command Line Interface (CLI) for techtonique.net's API
  4. Gradient-Boosting and Boostrap aggregating anything (alert: high performance): Part5, easier install and Rust backend
  5. Just got a paper on conformal prediction REJECTED by International Journal of Forecasting despite evidence on 30,000 time series (and more). What's going on? Part2: 1311 time series from the Tourism competition
  6. Techtonique is out! (with a tutorial in various programming languages and formats)
  7. Just got a paper on conformal prediction REJECTED by International Journal of Forecasting despite evidence on 30,000 time series (and more). What's going on?
  8. Stock price forecasting with Deep Learning: throwing power at the problem (and why it won't make you rich)
  9. No-code Machine Learning Cross-validation and Interpretability in techtonique.net
  10. You can beat Forecasting LLMs (Large Language Models a.k.a foundation models) with nnetsauce.MTS
  11. Unified interface and conformal prediction (calibrated prediction intervals) for R package forecast (and 'affiliates')
  12. GLMNet in Python: Generalized Linear Models
  13. Gradient-Boosting anything (alert: high performance): Part4, Time series forecasting
  14. Predictive scenarios simulation in R, Python and Excel using Techtonique API
  15. Chat with your tabular data in www.techtonique.net
  16. Gradient-Boosting anything (alert: high performance): Part3, Histogram-based boosting
  17. R editor and SQL console (in addition to Python editors) in www.techtonique.net
  18. R and Python consoles + JupyterLite in www.techtonique.net
  19. Gradient-Boosting anything (alert: high performance): Part2, R version
  20. Gradient-Boosting anything (alert: high performance)
  21. Automated random variable distribution inference using Kullback-Leibler divergence and simulating best-fitting distribution
  22. Techtonique web app for data-driven decisions using Mathematics, Statistics, Machine Learning, and Data Visualization
  23. Parallel for loops (Map or Reduce) + New versions of nnetsauce and ahead
  24. Adaptive (online/streaming) learning with uncertainty quantification using Polyak averaging in learningmachine
  25. New versions of nnetsauce and ahead
  26. Prediction sets and prediction intervals for conformalized Auto XGBoost, Auto LightGBM, Auto CatBoost, Auto GradientBoosting
  27. Quick/automated R package development workflow (assuming you're using macOS or Linux) Part2
  28. R package development workflow (assuming you're using macOS or Linux)
  29. A new method for deriving a nonparametric confidence interval for the mean
  30. Conformalized adaptive (online/streaming) learning using learningmachine in Python and R
  31. Bayesian (nonlinear) adaptive learning
  32. Auto XGBoost, Auto LightGBM, Auto CatBoost, Auto GradientBoosting
  33. Forecasting uncertainty: sequential split conformal prediction + Block bootstrap (web app)
  34. learningmachine v2.0.0: Machine Learning with explanations and uncertainty quantification
  35. Forecasting the Economy
  36. A detailed introduction to Deep Quasi-Randomized 'neural' networks
  37. Probability of receiving a loan; using learningmachine
  38. mlsauce's `v0.18.2`: various examples and benchmarks with dimension reduction
  39. Conformalized predictive simulations for univariate time series on more than 250 data sets
  40. learningmachine v1.0.0: prediction intervals around the probability of the event 'a tumor being malignant'
  41. Multiple examples of Machine Learning forecasting with ahead
  42. rtopy (v0.1.1): calling R functions in Python
  43. ahead forecasting (v0.10.0): fast time series model calibration and Python plots
  44. A classifier that's very accurate (and deep) Pt.2: there are > 90 classifiers in nnetsauce
  45. learningmachine: prediction intervals for conformalized Kernel ridge regression and Random Forest
  46. A plethora of datasets at your fingertips Part2: how many times do couples cheat on each other? Descriptive analytics, interpretability and prediction intervals using conformal prediction
  47. Diffusion models in Python with esgtoolkit (Part2)
  48. Diffusion models in Python with esgtoolkit
  49. Quasi-randomized nnetworks in Julia, Python and R
  50. A plethora of datasets at your fingertips
  51. A classifier that's very accurate (and deep)
  52. mlsauce version 0.8.10: Statistical/Machine Learning with Python and R
  53. Version v0.14.0 of nnetsauce for R and Python
  54. A diffusion model: G2++
  55. Diffusion models in ESGtoolkit + announcements
  56. Risk-neutralize simulations
  57. Comparing cross-validation results using crossval_ml and boxplots
  58. Did you ask ChatGPT about who you are?
  59. A new version of nnetsauce (randomized and quasi-randomized 'neural' networks)
  60. Simple interfaces to the forecasting API
  61. A web application for forecasting in Python, R, Ruby, C#, JavaScript, PHP, Go, Rust, Java, MATLAB, etc.
  62. Boosted Configuration (neural) Networks Pt. 2
  63. Boosted Configuration (_neural_) Networks for classification
  64. News from ESGtoolkit, ycinterextra, and nnetsauce
  65. New version of nnetsauce -- various quasi-randomized networks
  66. A dashboard illustrating bivariate time series forecasting with `ahead`
  67. Hundreds of Statistical/Machine Learning models for univariate time series, using ahead, ranger, xgboost, and caret
  68. Time series cross-validation using `crossvalidation` (Part 2)
  69. Fast and scalable forecasting with ahead::ridge2f
  70. Automatic Forecasting with `ahead::dynrmf` and Ridge regression
  71. Forecasting with `ahead`
  72. `crossvalidation` and random search for calibrating support vector machines
  73. parallel grid search cross-validation using `crossvalidation`
  74. `crossvalidation` on R-universe, plus a classification example
  75. A forecasting tool (API) with examples in curl, R, Python
  76. An infinity of time series models in nnetsauce
  77. New activation functions in mlsauce's LSBoost
  78. 2020 recap, Gradient Boosting, Generalized Linear Models, AdaOpt with nnetsauce and mlsauce
  79. Classify penguins with nnetsauce's MultitaskClassifier
  80. Bayesian forecasting for uni/multivariate time series
  81. Boosting nonlinear penalized least squares
  82. Statistical/Machine Learning explainability using Kernel Ridge Regression surrogates
  83. Submitting R package to CRAN
  84. Simulation of dependent variables in ESGtoolkit
  85. Forecasting lung disease progression
  86. Explainable 'AI' using Gradient Boosted randomized networks Pt2 (the Lasso)
  87. LSBoost: Explainable 'AI' using Gradient Boosted randomized networks (with examples in R and Python)
  88. nnetsauce version 0.5.0, randomized neural networks on GPU
  89. Maximizing your tip as a waiter (Part 2)
  90. Maximizing your tip as a waiter
  91. AdaOpt classification on MNIST handwritten digits (without preprocessing)
  92. AdaOpt (a probabilistic classifier based on a mix of multivariable optimization and nearest neighbors) for R
  93. Custom errors for cross-validation using crossval::crossval_ml
  94. Encoding your categorical variables based on the response variable and correlations
  95. Linear model, xgboost and randomForest cross-validation using crossval::crossval_ml
  96. Grid search cross-validation using crossval
  97. Time series cross-validation using crossval
  98. On model specification, identification, degrees of freedom and regularization
  99. R notebooks for nnetsauce
  100. Version 0.4.0 of nnetsauce, with fruits and breast cancer classification
  101. Feedback forms for contributing
  102. nnetsauce for R
  103. ESGtoolkit, a tool for Monte Carlo simulation (v0.2.0)
  104. Using R in Python for statistical learning/data science
  105. Model calibration with `crossval`
  106. crossval