In this post I benchmark nnetsauce.MTS’s armada of base models against foundation models (“LLMs”, Amazon’s Chronos, IBM’s TinyTimeMixer) and statistical models. Regarding the LLMs: If I’m not doing it well (I just plugged and played), do not hesitate to reach out.

The armada is now made of Generic Gradient Boosters (see

0 - Install nnetsauce and mlsauce

!pip install git+ --verbose
!pip install nnetsauce
!pip install git+ --upgrade --no-cache-dir
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.api as sm
import nnetsauce as ns
import mlsauce as ms
from sktime.forecasting.ttm import TinyTimeMixerForecaster
from sktime.forecasting.chronos import ChronosForecaster

from sklearn import linear_model
from statsmodels.tsa.base.datetools import dates_from_str
from sktime.forecasting.nnetsaucemts import NnetsauceMTS

1 - Error metrics

import numpy as np

def rmse(predictions, targets):
    return np.sqrt(((predictions.values - targets.values) ** 2).mean())

def mae(predictions, targets):
    return np.mean(np.abs(predictions - targets))

1 - 2 - Examples on 3 datasets

filenames = ["a10.csv", "austa.csv", "nile.csv"]
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from tqdm import tqdm
from sklearn.base import RegressorMixin
from sklearn.utils import all_estimators
from tqdm import tqdm

# Function to process each estimator
def process_estimator(est, df_train, df_test):
      if issubclass(est[1], RegressorMixin):
          preds = ns.MTS(ms.GenericBoostingRegressor(est[1](), verbose=0), lags=20, verbose=0, show_progress=False).\
          return ["MTS(GenBoost(" + est[0] + "))", rmse(df_test, preds), mae(df_test, preds)]
    except Exception:
        if issubclass(est[1], RegressorMixin):
            preds = ns.MTS(ms.GenericBoostingRegressor(est[1](), verbose=0), lags=5, verbose=0, show_progress=False).\
            return ["MTS(GenBoost(" + est[0] + "))", rmse(df_test, preds), mae(df_test, preds)]
      except Exception:

for filename in filenames:

  print("filename: ", filename)

  url = ""
  url += "datasets/main/time_series/univariate/"
  url += filename
  data = pd.read_csv(url)
  data.index = pd.DatetimeIndex( # must have
  data.drop(columns=['date'], inplace=True)


  n = data.shape[0]
  max_idx_train = np.floor(n * 0.9)
  training_index = np.arange(0, max_idx_train)
  testing_index = np.arange(max_idx_train, n)
  df_train = data.iloc[training_index, :]
  df_test = data.iloc[testing_index, :]

  results1 = []
  results2 = []
  results = []

  # Initialise models
  chronos = ChronosForecaster("amazon/chronos-t5-tiny")
  ttm = TinyTimeMixerForecaster()
  regr = linear_model.RidgeCV()

  # Fit
  h = df_test.shape[0] + 1, fh=range(1, h)), fh=range(1, h))

  # Predict
  pred_chronos = chronos.predict(fh=[i for i in range(1, h)])
  pred_ttm = ttm.predict(fh=[i for i in range(1, h)])

  # LLMs and sktime
  results1.append(["Chronos", rmse(df_test, pred_chronos), mae(df_test, pred_chronos)])
  results1.append(["TinyTimeMixer", rmse(df_test, pred_ttm), mae(df_test, pred_ttm)])

  # statistical models
  for i, name in enumerate(["ARIMA", "ETS", "Theta", "VAR", "VECM"]):
      regr = ns.ClassicalMTS(model=name)
      X_pred = regr.predict(h=df_test.shape[0])
      results1.append([name, rmse(df_test, X_pred.mean), mae(df_test, X_pred.mean)])
    except Exception:

  # Parallel processing
  results2 = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(delayed(process_estimator)(est, df_train, df_test) for est in tqdm(all_estimators()))

  for elt in results1:
    if elt is not None:

  for elt in results2:
    if elt is not None:

  results_df = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=["model", "rmse", "mae"])

filename:  a10.csv
2006-05-01  17.78
2006-06-01  16.29
2006-07-01  16.98
2006-08-01  18.61
2006-09-01  16.62
2006-10-01  21.43
2006-11-01  23.58
2006-12-01  23.33
2007-01-01  28.04
2007-02-01  16.76
model rmse mae
11 MTS(GenBoost(ElasticNet)) 2.74 2.32
32 MTS(GenBoost(OrthogonalMatchingPursuitCV)) 2.86 2.58
24 MTS(GenBoost(LassoLars)) 3.27 2.69
22 MTS(GenBoost(Lasso)) 3.27 2.69
7 MTS(GenBoost(BaggingRegressor)) 3.33 2.90
5 MTS(GenBoost(ARDRegression)) 3.35 2.95
12 MTS(GenBoost(ElasticNetCV)) 3.38 3.03
23 MTS(GenBoost(LassoCV)) 3.38 3.04
36 MTS(GenBoost(RANSACRegressor)) 3.40 2.87
9 MTS(GenBoost(DecisionTreeRegressor)) 3.41 2.88
25 MTS(GenBoost(LassoLarsCV)) 3.41 3.07
13 MTS(GenBoost(ExtraTreeRegressor)) 3.41 2.96
44 MTS(GenBoost(TweedieRegressor)) 3.45 3.04
37 MTS(GenBoost(RandomForestRegressor)) 3.45 3.02
26 MTS(GenBoost(LassoLarsIC)) 3.49 3.11
8 MTS(GenBoost(BayesianRidge)) 3.52 3.15
42 MTS(GenBoost(TheilSenRegressor)) 3.55 3.17
14 MTS(GenBoost(ExtraTreesRegressor)) 3.57 3.12
31 MTS(GenBoost(OrthogonalMatchingPursuit)) 3.72 3.27
39 MTS(GenBoost(RidgeCV)) 4.00 3.54
6 MTS(GenBoost(AdaBoostRegressor)) 4.04 3.58
33 MTS(GenBoost(PLSRegression)) 4.06 3.62
20 MTS(GenBoost(KernelRidge)) 4.08 3.61
43 MTS(GenBoost(TransformedTargetRegressor)) 4.09 3.62
27 MTS(GenBoost(LinearRegression)) 4.09 3.62
38 MTS(GenBoost(Ridge)) 4.10 3.64
16 MTS(GenBoost(GradientBoostingRegressor)) 4.48 4.04
4 Theta 4.57 4.24
29 MTS(GenBoost(MLPRegressor)) 4.70 4.29
18 MTS(GenBoost(HuberRegressor)) 4.77 4.35
28 MTS(GenBoost(LinearSVR)) 4.83 4.42
35 MTS(GenBoost(QuantileRegressor)) 5.02 4.22
0 Chronos 5.10 4.81
34 MTS(GenBoost(PassiveAggressiveRegressor)) 5.19 4.66
17 MTS(GenBoost(HistGradientBoostingRegressor)) 5.40 4.65
21 MTS(GenBoost(LarsCV)) 5.92 5.33
3 ETS 6.19 5.37
30 MTS(GenBoost(NuSVR)) 6.43 5.69
41 MTS(GenBoost(SVR)) 6.53 5.78
1 TinyTimeMixer 6.66 5.88
19 MTS(GenBoost(KNeighborsRegressor)) 9.12 6.74
15 MTS(GenBoost(GaussianProcessRegressor)) 12.71 12.29
10 MTS(GenBoost(DummyRegressor)) 12.72 12.30
2 ARIMA 13.37 12.98
40 MTS(GenBoost(SGDRegressor)) inf 88755370094251662260627878082695870432152870817...
filename:  austa.csv
2002-01-01   4.46
2003-01-01   4.38
2004-01-01   4.80
2005-01-01   5.05
2006-01-01   5.10
2007-01-01   5.20
2008-01-01   5.17
2009-01-01   5.17
2010-01-01   5.44
model rmse mae
8 MTS(GenBoost(BayesianRidge)) 0.09 0.08
45 MTS(GenBoost(TweedieRegressor)) 0.10 0.09
41 MTS(GenBoost(SGDRegressor)) 0.11 0.09
4 Theta 0.12 0.09
33 MTS(GenBoost(OrthogonalMatchingPursuitCV)) 0.14 0.12
40 MTS(GenBoost(RidgeCV)) 0.14 0.12
35 MTS(GenBoost(PassiveAggressiveRegressor)) 0.15 0.12
5 MTS(GenBoost(ARDRegression)) 0.15 0.14
24 MTS(GenBoost(LassoCV)) 0.16 0.15
34 MTS(GenBoost(PLSRegression)) 0.16 0.15
20 MTS(GenBoost(KernelRidge)) 0.17 0.15
0 Chronos 0.17 0.15
12 MTS(GenBoost(ElasticNetCV)) 0.17 0.16
36 MTS(GenBoost(QuantileRegressor)) 0.17 0.16
3 ETS 0.19 0.15
39 MTS(GenBoost(Ridge)) 0.19 0.17
26 MTS(GenBoost(LassoLarsCV)) 0.19 0.18
27 MTS(GenBoost(LassoLarsIC)) 0.21 0.18
42 MTS(GenBoost(SVR)) 0.21 0.18
25 MTS(GenBoost(LassoLars)) 0.22 0.20
23 MTS(GenBoost(Lasso)) 0.22 0.20
9 MTS(GenBoost(DecisionTreeRegressor)) 0.23 0.19
31 MTS(GenBoost(NuSVR)) 0.23 0.21
13 MTS(GenBoost(ExtraTreeRegressor)) 0.23 0.20
14 MTS(GenBoost(ExtraTreesRegressor)) 0.23 0.20
37 MTS(GenBoost(RANSACRegressor)) 0.24 0.21
7 MTS(GenBoost(BaggingRegressor)) 0.24 0.21
43 MTS(GenBoost(TheilSenRegressor)) 0.24 0.20
29 MTS(GenBoost(LinearSVR)) 0.25 0.22
6 MTS(GenBoost(AdaBoostRegressor)) 0.25 0.22
1 TinyTimeMixer 0.25 0.19
16 MTS(GenBoost(GradientBoostingRegressor)) 0.26 0.23
38 MTS(GenBoost(RandomForestRegressor)) 0.26 0.23
30 MTS(GenBoost(MLPRegressor)) 0.27 0.23
28 MTS(GenBoost(LinearRegression)) 0.29 0.22
44 MTS(GenBoost(TransformedTargetRegressor)) 0.29 0.22
19 MTS(GenBoost(KNeighborsRegressor)) 0.30 0.27
18 MTS(GenBoost(HuberRegressor)) 0.39 0.29
11 MTS(GenBoost(ElasticNet)) 0.40 0.33
32 MTS(GenBoost(OrthogonalMatchingPursuit)) 0.90 0.81
15 MTS(GenBoost(GaussianProcessRegressor)) 1.21 1.20
22 MTS(GenBoost(LarsCV)) 1.84 1.84
10 MTS(GenBoost(DummyRegressor)) 1.95 1.95
17 MTS(GenBoost(HistGradientBoostingRegressor)) 1.95 1.95
2 ARIMA 2.40 2.40
21 MTS(GenBoost(Lars)) inf 69642504841544336879259080339820128177381130744...
filename:  nile.csv
1960-01-01  815.00
1961-01-01 1020.00
1962-01-01  906.00
1963-01-01  901.00
1964-01-01 1170.00
1965-01-01 912.00
1966-01-01 746.00
1967-01-01 919.00
1968-01-01 718.00
1969-01-01 714.00
model rmse mae
36 MTS(GenBoost(QuantileRegressor)) 104.93 101.50
2 ARIMA 111.78 105.46
31 MTS(GenBoost(NuSVR)) 114.60 107.00
27 MTS(GenBoost(LassoLarsIC)) 115.42 107.39
42 MTS(GenBoost(SVR)) 117.68 108.61
17 MTS(GenBoost(HistGradientBoostingRegressor)) 117.75 108.59
10 MTS(GenBoost(DummyRegressor)) 117.75 108.59
15 MTS(GenBoost(GaussianProcessRegressor)) 117.75 108.59
26 MTS(GenBoost(LassoLarsCV)) 130.02 114.40
0 Chronos 151.16 136.27
3 ETS 170.52 145.80
16 MTS(GenBoost(GradientBoostingRegressor)) 177.24 154.55
22 MTS(GenBoost(LarsCV)) 178.74 152.11
6 MTS(GenBoost(AdaBoostRegressor)) 179.29 156.22
9 MTS(GenBoost(DecisionTreeRegressor)) 184.44 164.52
4 Theta 195.86 173.90
38 MTS(GenBoost(RandomForestRegressor)) 207.64 177.91
7 MTS(GenBoost(BaggingRegressor)) 209.69 182.79
12 MTS(GenBoost(ElasticNetCV)) 216.37 193.03
24 MTS(GenBoost(LassoCV)) 225.24 201.83
37 MTS(GenBoost(RANSACRegressor)) 296.22 260.08
8 MTS(GenBoost(BayesianRidge)) 310.59 287.58
14 MTS(GenBoost(ExtraTreesRegressor)) 318.41 304.40
13 MTS(GenBoost(ExtraTreeRegressor)) 349.23 339.16
1 TinyTimeMixer 396.16 388.58
5 MTS(GenBoost(ARDRegression)) 407.08 377.50
19 MTS(GenBoost(KNeighborsRegressor)) 409.69 398.57
33 MTS(GenBoost(OrthogonalMatchingPursuitCV)) 560.00 518.03
30 MTS(GenBoost(MLPRegressor)) 622.93 573.30
32 MTS(GenBoost(OrthogonalMatchingPursuit)) 658.25 591.60
29 MTS(GenBoost(LinearSVR)) 744.48 693.50
45 MTS(GenBoost(TweedieRegressor)) 1170.09 1020.41
20 MTS(GenBoost(KernelRidge)) 1313.31 1147.54
11 MTS(GenBoost(ElasticNet)) 1339.16 1152.93
41 MTS(GenBoost(SGDRegressor)) 1358.22 1166.58
35 MTS(GenBoost(PassiveAggressiveRegressor)) 1554.27 1319.48
40 MTS(GenBoost(RidgeCV)) 1708.53 1443.61
23 MTS(GenBoost(Lasso)) 1815.57 1534.60
25 MTS(GenBoost(LassoLars)) 1910.40 1612.20
43 MTS(GenBoost(TheilSenRegressor)) 2050.37 1726.27
34 MTS(GenBoost(PLSRegression)) 2119.73 1770.69
44 MTS(GenBoost(TransformedTargetRegressor)) 2178.49 1819.45
28 MTS(GenBoost(LinearRegression)) 2178.49 1819.45
18 MTS(GenBoost(HuberRegressor)) 2267.51 1882.66
21 MTS(GenBoost(Lars)) 2696.45 1941.89
39 MTS(GenBoost(Ridge)) 2769.55 2245.39




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