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Update 2024-08-27: do not use the ‘p-value’ as is
Last week, I was looking for a way to construct nonparametric confidence intervals for average
effects in learningmachine
(using Student-T tests to construct confidence intervals for now). So, I thought of one and implemented it. The methodology combines stratified sampling with the generation of pseudo-observations derived from standardized residuals.
Not sure if it’s completely new or a breakthrough for reviewer no.2, but it seems to be working pretty well in many different use cases. As illustrated below (in particular in function compute_ci_mean
The Methodology: Breaking It Down
The approach can be broken down into four key steps:
1. Stratified Sampling
The first step involves splitting your data into three subsets: training, calibration, and test sets. This is done using stratified sampling, ensuring that each subset is representative of the entire dataset. This method reduces sampling bias, leading to more reliable and accurate estimates.
2. Estimation and Standardization
Next, the mean and standard deviation of the training set are calculated. These values are used to standardize the residuals from the calibration set. Standardization stabilizes the variance of the residuals, making them homoscedastic (i.e., having constant variance). This is crucial for the next steps as it simplifies the distribution of residuals, which will be used to generate pseudo-observations.
3. Generation of Pseudo-Observations
Pseudo-observations are created by adding back the standardized residuals to the test set values. These residuals are sampled from the standardized calibration residuals. The idea is to mimic potential future observations, allowing for a more accurate estimation of the sampling distribution of the mean.
4. Construction of the Confidence Interval
Finally, the means of the pseudo-observations are computed. The empirical quantiles of these means are used to form the lower and upper bounds of the confidence interval. This nonparametric CI captures the true mean with a specified level of confidence without relying on parametric assumptions about the underlying distribution.
Why Does This Work?
The robustness of this method lies in a few key mathematical principles:
- Law of Large Numbers (LLN): Ensures that as the sample size increases, the sample mean converges to the true population mean.
- Central Limit Theorem (CLT): Even if the original data isn’t normally distributed, the distribution of the sample means (from the pseudo-observations) will approximate a normal distribution as the sample size grows.
- Stratified Sampling: Helps in reducing variance and ensuring that the subsamples are representative of the overall data, which improves the accuracy of the estimated confidence interval.
- Independence of Residuals: Ensures that the sampling of residuals is valid and that the pseudo-observations properly reflect the true data distribution.
%load_ext rpy2.ipython
# Install required packages
# Load packages
# 1. Direct Sampling
direct_sampling <- function(data = NULL, n = 1000,
method = c("kde",
kde = NULL,
seed = NULL,
...) {
method <- match.arg(method)
if (!is.null(seed))
if (identical(method, "kde"))
if (is.null(kde)) {
kde <- density(data, bw = "SJ", ...)
} else if (is.null(data))
prob <- kde$y / sum(kde$y)
return(sample(kde$x, size = n, replace = TRUE, prob = prob))
if (identical(method, "surrogate"))
return(sample(tseries::surrogate(data, ns = 1, ...),
size = n,
replace = TRUE))
if (identical(method, "bootstrap"))
return(sample(tseries::tsbootstrap(data, nb = 1, type = "block", b = 1, ...),
size = n,
replace = TRUE))
# 2. Approximate Inverse Transform Sampling
# Function for approximate inverse transform sampling with duplicate handling
inverse_transform_kde <- function(data, n = 1000) {
#kde <- density(data, bw = "SJ", kernel = "epanechnikov")
kde <- density(data, bw = "SJ")
prob <- kde$y / sum(kde$y)
cdf <- cumsum(prob)
# Ensure x-values and CDF values are unique
unique_indices <- !duplicated(cdf)
cdf_unique <- cdf[unique_indices]
x_unique <- kde$x[unique_indices]
# Generate uniform random numbers
u <- runif(n)
# Perform interpolation using unique CDF values
simulated_data <- approx(cdf_unique, x_unique, u)$y
# Replace NA values with the median of the interpolated values
median_value <- median(simulated_data, na.rm = TRUE)
simulated_data[] <- median_value
# 3. KDE Estimation and Sampling using `kde1d` package
kde1d_sampling <- function(data, n = 1000) {
kde_estimate <- kde1d::kde1d(data)
simulated_data <- kde1d::rkde1d(n, kde_estimate)
# Function for improved tail fitting
improved_direct_sampling <- function(data,
n = 1000,
method = c("surrogate",
kde = NULL,
seed = NULL,
...) {
method <- match.arg(method)
num_tail_simulated <- 0
num_tail_simulated_positive <- 0
num_tail_simulated_negative <- 0
gpd_simulated <- NULL
# Fit GPD to the tails
tail_data <- boxplot(data, plot=FALSE)$out
tail_data_positive <- tail_data[tail_data > 0]
tail_data_negative <- tail_data[tail_data < 0]
tail_proportion <- length(tail_data) / length(data)
tail_proportion_positive <- length(tail_data_positive) / length(data)
tail_proportion_negative <- length(tail_data_negative) / length(data)
if (tail_proportion_positive > 0)
fit_gev_positive <- as.list(evd::fgev(tail_data_positive,
num_tail_simulated_positive <- ceiling(n * tail_proportion_positive)
if (tail_proportion_negative > 0)
fit_gev_negative <- as.list(evd::fgev(-tail_data_negative,
num_tail_simulated_negative <- ceiling(n * tail_proportion_negative)
# Simulate the total number of data points required
num_tail_simulated <- num_tail_simulated_positive + num_tail_simulated_negative
num_kde_simulated <- n - max(num_tail_simulated, 0)
# Generate data from GPD
if (tail_proportion_positive > 0)
gpd_simulated_positive <-,
args = c(n=num_tail_simulated_positive,
gpd_simulated <- c(gpd_simulated, gpd_simulated_positive)
if (tail_proportion_negative > 0)
gpd_simulated_negative <-,
args = c(n=num_tail_simulated_negative,
gpd_simulated <- c(gpd_simulated, -gpd_simulated_negative)
# Generate data
if (!is.null(gpd_simulated))
otherwise_simulated <- direct_sampling(setdiff(data, tail_data),
n = num_kde_simulated,
method = method,
kde = kde,
seed = seed,
# Combine KDE and GPD
return(sample(c(otherwise_simulated, gpd_simulated)))
} else {
n = num_kde_simulated,
method = method,
kde = kde,
seed = seed,
# Sample data for testing
data <- rt(n = 1000, df=2)
#data <- rlnorm(n = 1000)
# Benchmark the three methods
benchmark_results <- microbenchmark(
Direct_Sampling = direct_sampling(data, n = 1000),
Direct_Sampling_Surrogate = direct_sampling(data, n = 1000, method="surrogate"),
Direct_Sampling_Bootstrap = direct_sampling(data, n = 1000, method="bootstrap"),
Inverse_Transform = inverse_transform_kde(data, n = 1000),
Improved_Direct_Sampling = improved_direct_sampling(data, n = 1000),
KDE1d_Sampling = kde1d_sampling(data, n = 1000),
times = 100
# Print benchmark results
# Function to plot original vs simulated density
plot_density_comparison <- function(original_data, simulated_data, method_name) {
original_density <- density(original_data)
simulated_density <- density(simulated_data)
# Create a dataframe for ggplot
df <- data.frame(
x = c(original_density$x, simulated_density$x),
y = c(original_density$y, simulated_density$y),
Type = rep(c("Original", "Simulated"), each = length(original_density$x))
ggplot(df, aes(x = x, y = y, color = Type)) +
geom_line(size = 1.2) +
labs(title = paste("Density Comparison:", method_name),
x = "Value", y = "Density") +
# Generate simulated data and plot comparisons
simulated_data_direct <- direct_sampling(data, n = 1000)
simulated_data_direct_surrogate <- direct_sampling(data, n = 1000, method="surrogate")
simulated_data_direct_bootstrap <- direct_sampling(data, n = 1000, method="bootstrap")
simulated_data_inverse <- inverse_transform_kde(data, n = 1000)
simulated_data_improved_inverse <- improved_direct_sampling(data, n = 1000)
simulated_data_kde1d <- kde1d_sampling(data, n = 1000)
# Plot density comparisons
plot1 <- plot_density_comparison(data, simulated_data_direct,
"Direct Sampling")
plot5 <- plot_density_comparison(data, simulated_data_direct_surrogate,
"Direct Sampling (Surrogate)")
plot6 <- plot_density_comparison(data, simulated_data_direct_bootstrap,
"Direct Sampling (Bootstrap)")
plot2 <- plot_density_comparison(data, simulated_data_inverse,
"Inverse Transform")
plot3 <- plot_density_comparison(data, simulated_data_kde1d,
"KDE1d Sampling")
plot4 <- plot_density_comparison(data, simulated_data_improved_inverse,
"Improved Direct Sampling")
# Display the plots
# Optional: plot the benchmark results for better visualization
if (requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)) {
Unit: microseconds
expr min lq mean median uq
Direct_Sampling 1418.931 1613.0310 1933.4443 1725.9520 1927.7870
Direct_Sampling_Surrogate 198.815 234.3975 312.6513 289.6470 347.5540
Direct_Sampling_Bootstrap 186.152 245.6500 312.5235 287.0165 371.2195
Inverse_Transform 1591.152 1757.2420 1957.6380 1880.2680 2089.3670
Improved_Direct_Sampling 5364.844 5821.7710 7249.4502 6322.6050 6838.8615
KDE1d_Sampling 5058.386 5406.8820 5779.4887 5601.6085 5930.1325
max neval
7040.770 100
1291.163 100
609.353 100
3180.180 100
46254.558 100
9136.384 100
confidence interval for the mean
# 1 - functions -----------------------------------------------------------
# Define the function to split vector into three equal-sized parts
stratify_vector_equal_size <- function(vector, seed = 123) {
# Set seed for reproducibility
n <- length(vector)
# First split: Create training and remaining (calibration + test)
train_index <- drop(caret::createDataPartition(vector, p = 0.3, list = FALSE))
train_data <- vector[train_index]
remaining_data <- vector[-train_index]
# Second split: Create calibration and test sets
calib_index <- drop(caret::createDataPartition(remaining_data, p = 0.5, list = FALSE))
calib_data <- remaining_data[calib_index]
test_data <- remaining_data[-calib_index]
# Return results as a list
train = train_data,
calib = calib_data,
test = test_data
#' nonparametric confidence interval xx
#' no hypothesis is made about the distribution of xx
#' will probably fail if xx is not stationary
compute_ci_mean <- function(xx,
type_split = c("random",
method = c("kde",
seed = 123)
n <- length(xx)
type_split <- match.arg(type_split)
method <- match.arg(method)
upper_prob <- 1 - 0.5*(1 - level/100)
if (type_split == "random")
z <- stratify_vector_equal_size(xx, seed=seed)
x_train <- z$train
x_calib <- z$calib
x_test <- z$test
estimate_x <- base::mean(x_train)
sd_x <- sd(x_train)
calib_resids <- (x_calib - estimate_x)/sd_x # standardization => distro of gaps to the mean is homoscedastic and centered ('easier' to sample since stationary?)
if (fit_tail)
if (!is.null(kde))
sim_calib_resids <- replicate(n=250L, improved_direct_sampling(calib_resids,
method = method,
kde = kde,
} else {
sim_calib_resids <- replicate(n=250L, improved_direct_sampling(calib_resids,
method = method,
} else {
if (!is.null(kde))
sim_calib_resids <- replicate(n=250L, direct_sampling(calib_resids,
} else {
sim_calib_resids <- replicate(n=250L, direct_sampling(calib_resids,
method = method,
pseudo_obs_x <- x_test + sd_x*sim_calib_resids
pseudo_means_x <- colMeans(pseudo_obs_x)
lower <- quantile(pseudo_means_x, probs = 1 - upper_prob)
upper <- quantile(pseudo_means_x, probs = upper_prob)
pvalue <- mean((lower > x_test) + (x_test > upper))
return(list(estimate = base::mean(x_test),
lower = lower,
upper = upper,
pvalue = pvalue,
pvalueboxtest = stats::Box.test(xx)$p.value))
z <- c(50, 100, 250, 500,
750, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 5000,
7500, 10000, 25000, 50000, 100000,
250000, 500000, 1000000, 1500000, 2000000)
n_iter <- length(z)
level <- 95
(lower_prob <- 0.5*(1 - level/100))
(upper_prob <- 1 - 0.5*(1 - level/100))
method <- "kde"
par(mfrow=c(3, 1))
i <- 1
lowers <- rep(0, n_iter)
uppers <- rep(0, n_iter)
pvalues <- rep(0, n_iter)
pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min=1, max=n_iter, style=3)
for (n_sims in z)
x <- rnorm(n_sims)
res <- compute_ci_mean(x, level=level, method=method)
uppers[i] <- res$upper
lowers[i] <- res$lower
pvalues[i] <- res$pvalue
i <- i + 1
utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
plot(log(z), lowers, type='l', main="convergence towards \n lower bound value",
xlab="log(number of simulations)")
abline(h = mean(x), col="red", lty=2)
plot(log(z), uppers, type='l', main="convergence towards \n upper bound value",
xlab="log(number of simulations)")
abline(h = mean(x), col="red", lty=2)
plot(log(z), pvalues, type='l', main="convergence towards \n 'p-value'",
xlab="log(number of simulations)")
abline(h = 1 - level/100, col="red", lty=2)
|======================================================================| 100%
method <- "surrogate"
par(mfrow=c(3, 1))
i <- 1
lowers <- rep(0, n_iter)
uppers <- rep(0, n_iter)
pvalues <- rep(0, n_iter)
pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min=1, max=n_iter, style=3)
for (n_sims in z)
x <- rlnorm(n_sims)
res <- compute_ci_mean(x, level=level, method=method)
uppers[i] <- res$upper
lowers[i] <- res$lower
pvalues[i] <- res$pvalue
i <- i + 1
utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
plot(log(z), lowers, type='l', main="convergence towards \n lower bound value",
xlab="log(number of simulations)")
abline(h = mean(x), col="red", lty=2)
plot(log(z), uppers, type='l', main="convergence towards \n upper bound value",
xlab="log(number of simulations)")
abline(h = mean(x), col="red", lty=2)
plot(log(z), pvalues, type='l', main="convergence towards \n 'p-value'",
xlab="log(number of simulations)")
abline(h = 1 - level/100, col="red", lty=2)
|======================================================================| 100%
method <- "bootstrap"
par(mfrow=c(3, 1))
i <- 1
lowers <- rep(0, n_iter)
uppers <- rep(0, n_iter)
pvalues <- rep(0, n_iter)
pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min=1, max=n_iter, style=3)
for (n_sims in z)
x <- rexp(n_sims)
res <- compute_ci_mean(x, level=level, method=method)
uppers[i] <- res$upper
lowers[i] <- res$lower
pvalues[i] <- res$pvalue
i <- i + 1
utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
plot(log(z), lowers, type='l', main="convergence towards \n lower bound value",
xlab="log(number of simulations)")
abline(h = mean(x), col="red", lty=2)
plot(log(z), uppers, type='l', main="convergence towards \n upper bound value",
xlab="log(number of simulations)")
abline(h = mean(x), col="red", lty=2)
plot(log(z), pvalues, type='l', main="convergence towards \n 'p-value'",
xlab="log(number of simulations)")
abline(h = 1 - level/100, col="red", lty=2)
|======================================================================| 100%
method <- "surrogate"
par(mfrow=c(3, 1))
i <- 1
lowers <- rep(0, n_iter)
uppers <- rep(0, n_iter)
pvalues <- rep(0, n_iter)
pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min=1, max=n_iter, style=3)
for (n_sims in z)
x <- 2 + rt(n_sims, df=3)
res <- compute_ci_mean(x, level=level, method=method)
uppers[i] <- res$upper
lowers[i] <- res$lower
pvalues[i] <- res$pvalue
i <- i + 1
utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
plot(log(z), lowers, type='l', main="convergence towards \n lower bound value",
xlab="log(number of simulations)")
abline(h = mean(x), col="red", lty=2)
plot(log(z), uppers, type='l', main="convergence towards \n upper bound value",
xlab="log(number of simulations)")
abline(h = mean(x), col="red", lty=2)
plot(log(z), pvalues, type='l', main="convergence towards \n 'p-value'",
xlab="log(number of simulations)")
abline(h = 1 - level/100, col="red", lty=2)
|======================================================================| 100%
This nonparametric method for constructing a confidence interval for the mean is powerful because it does not rely on the assumption of normality or other specific distributions. By using stratified sampling, standardization, and the generation of pseudo-observations, we can obtain a confidence interval that accurately reflects the uncertainty in our estimate of the mean, even in complex, non-standard situations.
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