I’m using VS Code on macOS for Python, R, Javascript (etc.) development. I needed a quick/automated workflow for my R package development at the command line, so I created this Makefile (if necessary install Python):


All you need to do is: store the Makefile at the root of the package folder. Type make or make help at the command line to see all the commands available. You can start with make initialize, that will install devtools and rmarkdown, if they’re not available yet. Here’s what you can do so far (as of 2024-08-27):

  • make clean: remove all R artifacts
  • make start: start or restart R session
  • make setwd: set working directory to current directory
  • make docs: generate package documentation
  • make check: check package for potential errors
  • make install: install package
  • make initialize: initialize environment (install packages)
  • make load: load all (when developing the package)
  • make render: run R markdown file in /vignettes (you’ll be prompted to give the file name, without extension)

Of course, work in progress (no package creation, or running tests, etc.). And also, nothing malicious about the script (ask an LLM to break it down for you if necessary :) ). Feel free to comment the GitHub Gist if you have a suggestion.

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